“In horse racing circles tips on which horse is a likely winner circulate amongst punters. The most trusted authorities are considered to be those in closest touch with the recent form of the horse, i.e. stable lads, trainers etc. The notional 'from the horse's mouth' is supposed to indicate one step better than even that inner circle, i.e. the horse itself.” -Garry Martin
I am a genuine cowgirl, daughter, wife, sister, soon to be mother, friend and all around hand at Western Pleasure Guest Ranch. I live and work here surrounded be the constant beauty of North Idaho and can not imagine myself anywhere else. It is my times spent at, and love for this place that makes me “one step better than the horse itself”. Please enjoy the stories and tales of Western Pleasure Guest Ranch that come “from the horse’s mouth”.
Congratulations on your new Blog Danielle. What a great idea to share about WPGR, your personal experiences with horses, wrangling, and the surrounding area! I have been there and it is beautiful!