Meet Your Mount

We are very proud of our four-legged working partners. We maintain a herd of more than 70 Quarterhorses, Appaloosas, and Paints for our saddle horses as well as our Percheron and Belgian draft horse teams for our sleigh and wagon rides. Most of the horses are either born and raised right here on the ranch or purchased from other local ranchers. The horses are worked with and handled at an early age to begin adapting them to their future uses. As two-year-olds, we begin their official training, getting them used to the saddle and working them in the round pen. As three year olds they then graduate to being ridden in the arena, and then to some short trail rides. We use a training system called the “Basic Handle,” founded by Monte Forman and Pat Wyse. This system creates a safe, responsive, and sensible horse. Of course, we carefully breed and maintain horses that have a disposition that lends itself to the guest ranch industry.

As three and four-year-olds, these horses are used as mounts for our trail guides. Then, as five-year-olds, they begin their career as mounts for our guests. We use both mares and geldings and rotate mares in and out as they produce more offspring for our future string.

Here’s more information about each horse.

Sonoita Han Barney

Alley by the Lean-to

“Hancock” is a bay Quarter horse gelding born February 24, 2009. We purchased him in the spring of 2011 and he has matured into a great ranch horse. Come meet this little guy doing his job this summer at the ranch.


The Snorkel Field

Echo is a half draft filly born right here at the ranch in 2022. She is out of our awesome draft mare, Julie, and Hollywood Rockstar MD, an Appaloosa Stallion. We are looking forward to watching this young lady grow and mature.


Silhouette Ridge

Tango is a gelding that we purchased in 2021. He has been a great addition to the ranch horse herd. He fits perfectly into Janice's collection of leopard Appaloosas. You are sure to love riding Tango here at the ranch!

SQH Dusti Blue Boy

The Big Hill

“Dusty” is the half brother to Blue and was also born in 2006. Just like his brother, Dusty looks forward to giving you a tour of the ranch.


Field Across from Jacobson's

Foxy is a paint mare that we purchased in 2021. She has been a great mount for many of our wranglers who enjoy riding her while guiding rides at the ranch.

Half Pint

New Seeding

Half Pint is a Haflinger gelding that we purchased in 2021. He is a little guy with a ton of personality!


Big Outdoor Arena

Stitch is a leopard Appaloosa gelding born in 2019 that we bought in 2021. He is another great addition to Janice's leopard collection! He is a sweet little guy that is still learning the ropes of being a riding horse. The wranglers are enjoying riding him on the trails!


The Grainery Field

Bess is a Belgian draft horse mare that has joined our group of draft horses that pull our wagons and sleighs. She is working great as a partner for Fancy. This duo is Libby's favorite team to drive.

Dun Good on Friday

The Foaling Pen at the Little Horse Barn

“Friday” is another of Katie’s babies born Friday, May 13, 2001 which also happened to be Good Friday. This pretty mare is a Roan colored Appaloosa who is as gentle and sweet as they come. Friday has retired from her job of taking people on rides and is now busy raising babies.


Indoor Arena

Rascal is a red roan Paint horse that we purchased in 2021. He is a such a sweet boy that our guests love!

KT Comet Starlight

The Grainery Field

“Rusty” is a Quarter Horse gelding born in April of 2010. Roley started him under saddle as a two year old and since then he has grown and matured into an excellent saddle horse. Rusting looks forward to showing you around the ranch.

Mardi Gras Magic

The Grainery Field

“Dudley” is an Appaloosa gelding born in 2009. This flashy boy came to live at the ranch in 2013 and instantly stole the hearts of everyone. In his younger days, he competed quite successfully at the Appaloosa World Show in halter classes. Dudley is a sweet boy who is willing, talented, beautiful, and a super smooth ride.

KT Docs Just Peppy

The Big Hay Field

KT is a fancy 2012 gelding we purchased as a yearling from the KT Ranch. He has a big blaze, a white sock, and roaning through his body and a coon tail. He is VERY uniquely colored. KT is one of Libby's favorite horses and he is enjoying his job of taking ranch guests.

KT Colonel of Chrome

The Big Hay Field

Another KT Ranch colt. KT Colonel of Chrome is by Just Plain Starlight, and is he a fancy one! He is out of one of their favorite broodmares, KT Copper Doc Comet. This gelding has a big blaze with a spot in it, a dash over one eye and 4 tall stockings. Chrome has become a fantastic ranch horse who wranglers and guests enjoy.

KT King George

the Big Hill

KT King George is a chestnut gelding that we are purchasing from the KT Ranch. He was born 4/3/13 and, as is the trend with the KT Ranch horses, he is becoming a fantastic ranch horse.

Jake and Julie

The Grainery Field

This team of 2010 Percheron/Belgian cross drafts came to the ranch in the fall of 2013. This fantastic team is a pleasure to drive and to ride behind in a sleigh or wagon.


The Y

BC is a 2011 model 1/4 Percheron gelding. This big boy is just the right size our riders who are over 6 feet tall. BC is the perfect tall, dark and handsome horse that any knight in shining armor might be seen riding.


The Grainery Field

Albert is a 2008 model big quarter horse style gelding. Albert is a big sweet boy who is as quiet and gentle as they come. Albert came to the ranch from Canada with his buddy, BC.


The Snorkel Field

Peanut is another of our ranch-raised half draft colts out of one of our draft mares, Julie. Peanut's sire is Lucky, another of our great young ranch horses. Peanut was born in the Spring of 2020 and we can't wait to see this big cutie grow into a great ranch horse.

Fancy and Major

Small Outdoor Arena

Fancy and Major are a team of grey Percherons that teamed up in the fall of 2017. Major was in love with Fancy at first sight. This fancy team is great to work with and you are sure to enjoy a sleigh ride pulled by these two.

Katie June

Foaling Pen at the Little Horse Barn

Katie June was born here on the ranch on June 29, 2015 and is named after her grandmother Katie, our ranch’s herd matriarch. Her dam is Friday, one of our favorite mares that we have raised, making Katie June a third generation horse here at Western Pleasure Guest Ranch. We look forward to watching this little filly grow!

CTR Flashpoint

Gold Creek

Flash is a 2012 Appaloosa gelding with loads of character. He is the first to greet you and loves attention. Flash is a sweet boy who is sure to make your riding experience great.

Love Bug

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Love Bug is a cute little 2012 AQHA mare that we purchased from the KT Ranch. We started under saddle as a two-year-old. Isaac has really taken a liking to her. When you visit the ranch you will certainly enjoy riding this little dun mare.


Indoor Arena

Fudsy is a 2015 colt from the KT Ranch. He is a big colt with a great mind. We started Fudsy under saddle in the spring of 2017 and he has turned into an excellent easy-going ranch horse.

KT Captain America

Little Hay Field

Captain is a 2015 colt from the KT Ranch. He is a big colt with a great mind. We started Captain under saddle in the spring of 2017 and we look forward to continuing his training.

Spider Man

Big Outdoor Arena

Spider Man is a colt out of our draft mare, Julie, and a Quarter Horse stud. Spider was born in the spring of 2016. Spider has grown into an awesome ranch horse who is a favorite of many of our guests.

Wonder Woman

Big Hay Field

Wonder Woman is a filly out of our draft mare, Lady and a Quarter Horse stud. Wonder was born in the spring of 2016. She is a super friendly, sweet horse who will make your ranch riding experience a great one!

Peppermint Patty (Registered name pending)

Snorkel Field

Peppermint Patty is 4th generation ranch-raised filly out of Pali and Lucky. Peppermint Patty was born in the Spring of 2020. We are excited to watch this little filly grow!


Seven Acre Field

Gypsy is a 2009 Gypsy Vanner cross mare. Gypsy is a short stocky mare that loves to trail ride. This gal will go just about anywhere you point her.

The Hulk

Field Across from Frank's

The Hulk was born in the spring of 2016 and is out of our mare, Friday. This little guy is a full sibling to Kaitie June and they are two peas in a pod. We look forward to watching this colt grow!

Kings Encounter

The Calving Barn

Nugget is a 2006 leopard Appaloosa Gelding with quiet smooth gaits. He really shines in the arena but still enjoys trail rides as well.

Magnum Dunit

Big Hay Field

Magnum is a 2009 Bay gelding. He is a quick learner with a gentle attitude. Magnum looks forward to showing you around the ranch.

Plenty of Rhythm

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Lucky is a palomino Appaloosa who will be one year old this spring. For years...many years... Janice's dream horse has been a palomino Appaloosa. She always hoped this color would come along in one of the foals we raise here at the ranch. Last fall, this little guy came to our attention in the sale listings and it didn't take long before Janice was on the road to go check him out. Needless to say, she decided he needed to come home with her. Lucky is big and stout for his age. His sweet, quiet disposition is sure to make him an outstanding ranch horse.

The King of Hearts

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Pepper, is one of six leopard Appaloosas who call Western Pleasure Guest Ranch home. Pepper was born in the spring of 2017. He is a big sweet boy who we have great hopes for. His Uncle, Nugget, has already proven to be a wonderful ranch horse in his short time here on the ranch. We are excited to watch Pepper grow into another great ranch horse!

Get Smart On Friday

Little Outdoor Arena

Ned was born in the spring of 2017. Ned is a 3rd generation ranch born and raised Appaloosa. His mother, Friday, was a favorite horse with many children who visited the ranch. Her kind nature, easy going attitude, and beautiful features have made her an exceptional ranch horse. We look forward to seeing Ned grow to be the same fantastic kind of horse.


Gold Creek

This Palomino Quarter Horse is just about as pretty as they come. Hemi is a sweet boy who loves attention. We tragically lost his older brother Reed to colic and we were so excited when we had the opportunity to purchase Hemi. He has a big motor and really likes to cover the ground when walking down the trail.


The Grainery Field

Sonny is another great ranch gelding from KT Ranch. This beautiful palomino Quarter Horse loves traveling the trails on the ranch.

Bobbin (Registered Name Pending)

The Ranch Lawn

Bobbin is a 3rd generation ranch-raised filly born in the Spring of 2019. We are excited to watch this cute filly grow into a big beautiful mare


The Big Outdoor Arena

Rocket is a 2012 gelding who is an interesting breed. He is a Curly horse. This breed of horse has a uniquely curly coat which is especially obvious on his long winter coat. Curly horses are also hypoallergenic. Some people with horse allergies find that they don't have an allergic reaction to curly horses.

Button (Registered Name Pending)

The Ranch Lawn

Button is a 2019 Appaloosa filly out of our mare Rosie. She is a pretty buckskin who is growing into a nice big ranch horse.

Linus (Registered Name Pending)

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Linus is a 2020 colt out of our ranch mare Rosie. This cutie is a full brother to Button. We are sure he is going to be another great horse!

Dazzle's Palomino Chick

Grouse Creek

“Pali”, the daughter of Dazzle, is a Palomino Appaloosa mare born here at the ranch on May 21, 2001. This little mare has gorgeous color, is athletic, and is ready and willing to do whatever you ask of her. Children will enjoy a relaxed scenic ride down the trail, games in the arena or bringing in a herd of cattle on Pali.

Doc's Hopeful Remedy

The Little Hay Field

“Doc” is an Appaloosa gelding born in May of 1999; the fifth foal of Katie, the ranch matriarch. Doc is a big friendly horse that is sure to make any child's horseback adventure a great one.


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Whiskey is a 2013 model Quarter Horse gelding that came from Canada. Whiskey is a big bodied, low key guy that likes to explore the trails on the ranch.


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Dollar is a tall Quarter Horse cross gelding who has a flashy look with his four white socks and big white blaze. Dollar is a gentle giant who loves to have kids love on him.


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Booger is a Palomino Appaloosa Gelding and between is color and his interesting blue eyes, he is quite the looker. This guy likes to cruise down the trails here on the ranch.


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Doc and Duke

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Horse Hall of Fame

Amos and Andy

Heaven's Greener Pastures

This duo of gentle giants faithfully lived and worked at the ranch for many years, delighting guests on sleigh rides and wagon rides since 1991. Amos, the oldest, was born in 1982 and Andy was born in 1983. Sadly we lost Amos a few years ago but Andy is happily living out his final days in retirement here at the ranch. These Percherons are dear to the hearts of all those who have had the pleasure of meeting them at the ranch.

Unfortunately, from time to time we have a sad moment on the ranch and have to say good-buy to one of our special partners. #westernpleasureguestranch

Bud and Velvet

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

This brother-sister team of Shire cross draft horses, born in 1994, has been pulling sleighs and wagons full of guests at the ranch since 1999. The beauty and grace of this massive team will take your breath away.

Bill and Larry

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

This team of beautiful Belgian geldings came to the ranch the summer of 2008, thanks to the generosity of Mark Brinkmyer. These geldings are truly gentle giants and they look amazing hitched to our new wedding carriage.

J.R. Chicka Do

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

“J.R.” is a Palomino Quarter Horse Gelding born May 12, 1992. J.R. was purchased from Janice’s brother, Steve, as a two year old. He had not been on the ranch long before Janice and Roley’s daughter, Danielle, laid claim to him as her personal horse. Danielle and J.R. turned out to be an amazing team, teaching each other along the way. Danielle used J.R. in 4-H for 11 years, used him for lessons, and Danielle’s daughter Emily had the opportunity to ride and even show the big beautiful boy.


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

“Katie” is one of the most cherished horses at the ranch. She is an Appaloosa mare born on March 27, 1985 and was purchased by Roley and Janice in 1992. Since the time that she came to the ranch she has been the mother to 10 of the best horses on the ranch. She even has grandchildren who are now working as horses for our guests to ride. Katie has earned the title of “Ranch Matriarch” and a well deserved retirement that she is currently enjoying.

Will He Cowboy

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

“Willie” is a Paint gelding born at Janice’s brother’s ranch on 1984. He was purchased by Roley and Janice in 1987 and has been a great addition to the ranch herd ever since. Listen to what Danielle, one of the wranglers, has to say about why Willie is one of her favorite horses: “If I am headed out to move cattle, horses, or people, I can always count on Willie to get the job done right. He has got the speed, power, and agility to chase down a stray cow, but he is laid back and level headed enough to mosey down the trail with a 6 year old on his back.”


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Selma came to work at the ranch with her partner Justis pulling the sleighs and wagons. They are a hard working team and really great horses to be around.

Native Chico

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Registered Appaloosa gelding, Native Chico, was born in 1981 and purchased at age 17 in 1998. Native Chico was purchased for Isaac as a show and trail horse, and is now used on trail rides, youth camps, and shows. A great horse for the beginning rider. Chico was the kind of horse that never gave you any trouble and was very willing. In 2006 he was diagnosed with cancer and had to be put down. He will always be remembered.


Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

“Checkers” is an Appaloosa mare born on April 9, 2004. She is the daughter of “D.D.” another of the ranches faithful steeds. Checkers was started by Isaac at a Pat Wyse colt breaking clinic in Montana, however soon after her return to the ranch, Danielle took over her training. Checkers went on to greener pastures during the winter of 2012.

Little Driftn Peppy

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

“Peppy” is a Quarter Horse gelding born April 14, 1994. Peppy was previously owned and trained by Larry Smith, who was a great horseman and mentor to many of us here at the ranch. We were so honored to have the opportunity to purchase Peppy and have enjoyed every day we have owned him. He is extremely talented, willing, will go anywhere and do anything you ask of him.

We were sad to see Peppy pass on in the winter of 2012.

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